Bearing fruit that lasts

Posted by Virtuebooks Admin on

Last night, before she fell asleep, my daughter asked me to read the bible verse about the vine and the branches (John 15). Even though it was past her bedtime already, I happily obliged. I didn’t want to stifle the spirit. How could I deny her the chance to get to know Jesus more? After she read the passage, she smiled, satisfied and fell asleep shortly thereafter.

I felt pleased, but not too surprised as I knew why she was curious about that reading. She had recently been watching a cartoon about the Bread of Life, the Eucharist as taught by Brother Francis and one of the animated sequences was about the vine and the branches. It is true that the seeds of faith that we plant in their hearts will bear fruit. And yet it is so hard to live out our faith prayerfully and well... faithfully so as to provide fertile soil for those seeds to grow. 

As a parent I have been concerned about how so many videos online, even ones aimed at children often have questionable values and influences. Finding the good stuff is like finding treasure.. so I’d like to share some with you when we find some.

One free resource online has been the EWTN channel on YouTube which contains many excellent videos for kids as the one above.

They have many videos that teach kids about their faith, the lives of the saints, and how to apply it in their daily life. Here is the link to the video above. 

One day, when I come face to face with God and He asks me what I had done with the treasures he has given me, I hope to be able to point to my children and tell Him that although it was hard, with His grace I clung on to the vine, remaining in Him, and that I planted seeds to be able to bear fruit that lasts. The only legacy that we need to leave our Children is to help them know, love and serve God and to set them on the path that will prepare them for heaven. Everything else is extra.

God bless, guide and protect you always.